Zombie Ritual Fanzine, Мексика
Interesting piece of music aggression, coming from Ukraine. After many EPs, this gang decided to release a very long first Full Length album (23 tracks!!) and they caught my attention because of some aspects. They play a very fast and furious thrash/death metal, in the vein of what is coming lately form the north of Europe, with guttural voices and excellent guitar riffs. But, the scale of violence at times leans towards the grind core style, and that’s quite interesting because they mix both styles with underground flavor and professionalism. And believe it or not, sounds good. Also, they dare to add some touches of what seems to be local antique instruments, in some intros, and they use Ukrainian language at some songs. These aspects give them a unique sound and that’s good. I liked “Passing by…” where the snare drum attack sounds like a fucking gun machine, or “Thy New Horizon” which has some incredible fast tempo changes. The whole album comes very fluid and with good taste, the only problem is that contains too many songs, and after track 17, you have to stop it for a moment. Anyway, it’s a 45 mins album full of ferocious metal attack, you will like since the first moment. As extra info, the last track is a cover from Phobia. – Victor Varas